WCCE is excited to showcase innovative projects uploaded by WCCE individual members or civil engineers from its member organisations. Regardless of its size or cost, your project could be a part of this showcase if it demonstrates a particularly innovative aspect or methodology applied during its design, construction, or operation phases. Once your submission is assessed and validated, it will be added to the showcase 🎞 here, giving you the recognition you deserve. Your credit and contact information will be included. To upload your proposal, fill out the form below.

Submission guidelines

Who may submit?

Engineers who belong to a member country and have participated in the submitted project (any role).

Supported projects

Any civil engineering project, master plans, studies, surveys, etc. They may relate to physical studies, design, or construction aspects. The submission should focus only on the innovative aspects. Only a brief description of the entire project is required. 


Please upload up to five photos smaller than 1 Mb. You must own the images, and by uploading them, you are permitting us to publish them. 

Ready to upload your project?

Click the link below!
